1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the unfug.social moderators.

  1. Be nice. Be kind. Be respectful.
  2. Mark sensitive content with a content warning.
  3. You may not impersonate a person or brand without a clear indication the account is unofficial and/or a parody. Parody accounts are permitted, as are legitimate brand accounts.
  4. This server is hosted in Germany. As such, German and European law applies.
  5. Spam is not permitted, this includes creating spam accounts that only serve to provide profile links or advertise products and services.
  6. Lack of a specific rule against a certain behavior does not indicate acceptance of that behavior. Each of us has a limited amount of time in this world. Don't be a jerk.
  7. Punishment for violating any of these rules is at the sole discretion of the mod team.
  8. Any kind of hate speech is forbidden.
  9. Automated ingestion of this servers content exept for purposes required by federation is not allowed. This includes but is not limited too AI Training, Providing "out of network" search services, Datamining, social research, Advertising, behavoiral analysis of users.